christian women's council
A Letter from our CWC president
On behalf of Ecclesia Church of God In Christ, I would like to welcome you to participate in our Christian Women's Council Auxiliary. The auxiliary is designed for women age 40 and over. The auxiliary provides training, instruction, and encouragement inspired to help each woman reach God's standard of Holiness.
In addition, our Mission is: To inspire women to use God given gifts and talents to maximize the effectiveness of the units, bands and auxiliaries in the church; for their own spiritual well-being, for a personal sense of accomplishment, to experience the satisfaction and joy that comes from unselfish giving, for the spiritual, natural and financial well-being of the church and for the up-building of the Kingdom of God. To provide an opportunity for women to learn and/or to better understand the purpose, the value and the result(s) of the work of Godly women in the home, in the church and in the community. To encourage healthy, stable, happy and enduring marital, home and family relations To develop and implement innovative, Holy Ghost inspired, effective programs for the natural, spiritual, financial support and growth of the church. To equip women with necessary spiritual and select natural tools essential for spiritual growth. To prepare women for effective, efficient supportive and leadership roles To prepare women to meet the challenges of this complex age to the saving of their souls, the souls of their families and the souls of countless others. To teach women to recognize their divine destiny, according to the Word of God, and initiate and support activities that result in securing and retaining ones spiritual heritage. To cultivate among women relationships characterized by mutual respect, trust, confidence and a shared interest in the work of the Lord, in souls, in life development and in the welfare of people at large, especially those of the "Household of Faith." Our ultimate goal is to hear our Savior say, "Well done..." May God bless and continue to keep you.
CWCC President