Teen council
president: ikeeshia holmes-johnson
A Letter from our Teen Council president
The Ecclesia Church of God In Christ Teen Council is a division derived from the Purity under the Women’s Department in the Church of God In Christ Inc. The teens range from ages 13-19 years. The young boys and girls are classified into groups according to age and interest. The mission of the Teen Council is to provide a wholesome environment for youth development as well-rounded and balanced individuals whose lives are dedicated to living saved.
Our objective is to build on the foundation of holiness that sets a standard for good, moral behavior that will enhance the development of youth leaders and future leaders in the church and communities. The objectives include the teaching of the values of abstaining from pre-marital sexual behavior and the use of illicit drugs and other destructive behavior.
The Ecclesia Youth welcome you to join us on Wednesday Evenings for Teen Training at 7:00p.m. during Bible Study and also to our Annual Youth Jam the first Friday in March. We believe in keeping active in our church, participating and performing during Christmas, Black History Month, Easter and our 5th Sunday Youth Programs and in our communities doing Outreach Ministries. The Ecclesia Teens strive for Excellence and we embrace the scripture found in Philippians 4:13.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”